Scroll down to see information on Coach's Evaluations
Directions for Player Evaluations

Step One: Download Team Genius from your app store.
Step Two: Read all directions and read through LP Team Genius Scoring Guidelines. If you have not evaluated in TG before, watch the video below.
LP Team Genius Scoring Guidelines
Evaluations Access Codes:
- Field Players Grad Years 2025- 2031: 7QTFJ
- Field Players Grad Years 2032 - 2033: HPHN4
- Goalies: LHXW8
**Any questions text or see Jill. 860-534-0988**
**You cannot view other co-coaches player evaluations unless you log in with the same email address.
All Players: Leave any criteria that do not apply blank. It will not count towards the overall score.
IMPORTANT! If you accidentally score a criterion that does not apply, swipe the cell from right to left and click delete. It will officially delete the score, not the criterion. If you do not delete it, the player will receive a score of 0, instead of an n/a.
Timeline for Player Evaluations
Team Genius Evaluations are due by Wednesday, July 24th.
**Player/Coach in-person meetings are by request only. Players must request in person 7 days before evaluations are due.
Coach Evaluations
At the end of each season, coaches will be evaluated by a director or other appointed qualified staff member. Coaches will be evaluated in Team Genius just like players are evaluated. See below for the criteria coaches will be evaluated on.
Any questions please reach out to Kristen @ 860-881-9628 or